Putting It In Perspective

Law maker Tom DeLay, who the legendary Ronnie Earle wants a permanent piece of, doesn’t like the law!
Delay held a State issued license which allowed him to carry a concealed handgun. When Earle convinced Travis County grand jurors that Delay had done a bit of dirty business crossing money and politics, the DPS revoked Delay’s concealed handgun license. Apparently, there wasn’t any discrimination against DeLay-- it’s just the way DPS routinely handles it’s day-to-day administrative duties.
Chapter 37 of the Texas Administrative Code, Rule §6.61 sets out that if a peace officer believes there are license suspension grounds, he has a duty to report the matter to DPS Austin Headquarters.
Thus, the peace officer who arrested DeLay because of the Travis County indictment had a legal duty to make that report. Upon receipt, the DPS administratively revoked the license in compliance with Rule §6.63.
I suppose it really did look like paper pushing and rubber stamping to Delay, to say little of nitpicking. So, DeLay beat his chest, roared loudly, and exercised his legal right to have a Justice of the Peace independently review the revocation.
The JP agreed with DPS: DeLay isn't trustworthy enough to pack. Now, DeLay is yelling FOUL, again.
In this situation, the Goose and Gander Rule is in close kinship to that old fashioned Golden Rule. Delay thinks the law shouldn’t apply to him because: Heck fire, Bubba! He's not guilty of all those democratically-created, gawd-awful accusations.
It’s amazing how a little dose of wearing the other guy’s shoes makes a lawmaker come ‘round in his thinking. Suddenly, DeLay and friends seem to understand that weight should be given to the idea of presumption of innocence.
DeLay and his bandwagon are likely not entitled to so much credit. They probably don’t really understand the United States or Texas Constitutions. If they had that knowledge before they trampled our rights, then they engaged in conscious indifference. (That means, in spite of their keen knowledge, they just didn't give a flip.) Common folks might call them ruthless. Earle says they are criminals.
The realization is that if Earle gets his way, which he is inclined to do, DeLay is looking at serving prison time. That potential prison time is why DeLay’s privlege was revoked. That puts it into perspective.
Round One. Round Two. Holding: DeLay's goose is cooked.
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