Prayer and Pep Rally

If a picture is worth a thousand words, videos with thousands of words, well, priceless.
Katrina. Thirsty. Drowning. Pain. Elderly. Disabled. 1300+ dead.
Rich kid pretending to be Texas cowboy in charge. Yep!
I don't short George W. He lost less points this time than when he sat in that elementary classroom reading a book.
NYC. Leap to death. Fire. Can’t breath. Black. Screams. Agony.
Rich kid. Pretending grown up. Scared. Hiding with other children.
Brown is still George’s patsy. That isn’t going to change. There is too much anger surrounding Katrina and Brown is a target. The video tape revelation portrays George W. as George W.
Rich kid. Pretending. Cheerleader. Pep rally. Shoulder Slap. Atta boy – go get 'um!
Two days before Katrina: Meteorologist-- bigger than Andrew. Levee concern. Brown-- gut says it’s the BIG one. Weary about the super dome, 12' below sea level; roof; could be rescue from a catastrophe within a catastrophe. Bush-- Good going, guys! Just you work some overtime. Saaaay your prayers, too. Ya'll come back now, ya'ear?
So, errr, what was the problem? Answer is EZ. We use language and communication skills according to our perception of the audience's level of knowledge. When we talk to a two-year old, we keep it really simple. When we talk to a scientist, we enjoy some presumptions that it’s not necessary to define every word.
On an adult level, Bush doesn’t speak or understand English.
Moral of the story: Don't indulge in presumptions when trying to communicate with George W.
© Coninc., TheDownsideUp.Com 2006
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