Simply Ann

Really, there isn’t anything simple about Ann. Carole Keeton Rylander Strayhorn touts she’s one tough grandma, but if she took on Ann, I know where I’d put my money.
I was really sorry to hear the bad news this morning. Ann Richards is a Texas icon. She is Texas. I grew up loving her. I still do.
I met her one time; just once. She was Governor. She greeted me as if we were yesteryear friends. Of course, she greeted everyone that way. Probably Ann was a bit like Will Rogers in that she never met a stranger or a person she didn't like. Nor was she ever at a loss for words– funny, firey, sharp, and gentle.
She has style. It’s a bit course, rugged, with a western taint. Her slow talking drawl isn’t a reflection of her rapid brain connections.
Ann has long been an honored role model for women. We've watched her overcome obstacles, stand up for unpopular ideas because it was the right thing to do, and kick some fannies.
If I could give her a message, I would say: Ann, muster up the amount of energy it took you to keep from knocking Clayton Williams out when he refused to shake your hand and you will win this race, too.
© Coninc., TheDownsideUp.Com 2006