Talkin' Heroes

Heroes. That's what I'm talking 'bout. They're everywhere.
Take for instance every school teacher who has a positive impact on pupils. It isn't a random happening. It is a calculated investment with returns greater than the imagination: multiplication ad infinitum. Think about it.
Everyone should take note of children who face the survival long-shot but fearlessly step up to get the next gut-wrenching medical treatment that faintly whispers hope.
How about the youth who walk through the military threshold, lonely and afraid, and emerge as confident, steadfast protectors of our U. S. flag, freedom and constitution.
Bet you remember the fellow who grew up down the street. He had very ordinary salt-of-the-earth parents. No neon lights flashed about his future when he was four, fourteen, or twenty-four. But, holy smokes! Look at him now as he generously divvies up his good fortune.
Even if the Golden Years are just a variation of earlier escapades, polishing techniques honed during the copper and silver life phases is of heroic proportions.
A real hero makes us smile even when we want to cry.
Maybe life is a bit of a jigsaw puzzle but the pieces fit better with the distribution of goodness.
© Coninc., TheDownsideUp.Com 2006
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