
Five years ago google meant something entirely different than it does today. Those were the good old days. When you said google everyone knew someone's head had lurched forward from their body, the jaw had dropped, the mouth had fallen opened so wide they could catch wayward flies, and their eyeballs were pushing out of the sockets. You weren't googled -- you were google something, like google-eyed and there was that knowing few who conversed in whispered tones over your utter suprise. The internet has revamped our language and Americans have acquiesed.
To be googled today is almost complimentary. You can google a friend or an enemy. You can google a thing. You can even do it to yourself. is no doubt one of the busiest search engines (no relation to a train engine). Just type in a word -- any word -- and you get zoomed to hundreds of possibilities.
Here are a few trial runs. Type in the words to the left and up comes the information to the right.
Junk -- Call 1-800junk
Cat -- My Cat Hates You.Com
Work -- How Stuff Works.Com
Nose -- Photos of noses (you can add your own).
Okay, now you can graduate to two word look ups.
Cool dude -- "You Are A Cool Dude -- NOT" test
Big tree -- American forests
Just alike -- Twins.
With practice, a lot of time, and morbid curiosity you can excel with google or maybe the word now is gocel. 'Course, you could go sail, enjoy the sunshine, watch birds-of-a-feather, build a sandcastle and look for real google-eyes.
Call me old-fashion but I was pretty cozy with the clatters surrounding yesteryear google.
One other thing. Is blog, blog, blog the same thing as blab, blab, blab?
© Coninc., TheDownsideUp.Com 2006
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