Ain't Mr. Roger's Neighborhood Any More

Wiretaps, Wiretaps, Wiretaps. Ports, ports, ports.
Bush has been an incredible President. Really – incredible – too extraordinary and improbable to be believed (Merriam-Webster). He’s a cleaver dude.
Can you say: S-o-c-i-o-p-a-t-h?Americans should have figured out he was a wolf in goat’s clothing when it became obvious that he spoke English as his second language. Maybe his Arabic is better.
Without the cellophane terrorism umbrella he would have ordinary day-in, day-out boring duties to perform– like the rest of us. As a general rule, you shouldn’t kick someone while he’s down on his luck. There is a Bush exception, however.
It was a bit stunning to realize while ordering a take out pizza, George W's G-Men were authorized to discover my hankering for pepperoni and jalapenos. Awww, you think that can’t happen to a plain Jane Doe, someone whose focus is: work, eat, sleep, tend to family, try to steal an hour for self-nurture, scrape up enough pennies to put gas in the tank, and the like? You’re wrong. It is we ordinary chumps who are at the greatest risk for government interference. Interference? That's a very soft word. Let me re-phrase. Demolition.
Let me ask you this. How much input do you have in how our government is run? Well, going to basics, you get to vote. That is, if you’re not a convicted felon. We used to proudly embrace that right as Americans and thought it meant a whole bunch, but then Bush and Florida happened and we knew the gig was up. Sure, it’s the pink elephant in the living room thing. We know it, but don’t talk about it because as if by some kind of magic we said the words it would become truer than it is.
The thought of our America being a third-world country is chilling.
The American dream is now a foreign idea. Welcome to the Arab dream in America. Thanks, George.
Holding my breath in Texas awaiting news of the next secret, illegal George W. antic.
‘Nuff said.
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